Loving someone is not just to love the person Loving someone is to have a protective eye on the person that we love Loving someone is to bear the person in every of our single prayers Begging God to take care of the person's soul, health and life Loving someone at times demands us to reprimand the Loved one When he or she is doing something bad against himself or herself Loving someone implies taking care of the person's health Making you want to control what the person even eats all this because you want to preserve the person's life You want he or she to live longer so you have more time together Loving someone implies doing efforts to put a smile on the person's face at every occasion that presents to you Loving someone is seizing every occasion of spending time with the person you love The essence of Love is the caring of our Loved one making them a priority and making ourselves last so we are here for them Behaving well asking God to preserve our lives so we can be here for them A Life full of Love is the goal To Love and to be Loved We meet 100 people and fall in Love with only 1 off the 100 So why not to preserve our Loved ones and ourselves Why not to take care of them and ourselves