I swear that I see god when I look you in the eyes And when you smile at me a new universe is made from the Big Bang that is my heart beat People say good things come in time but I think timing is irrelevant because when you're in love time doesn't exists Time is a child at two in the morning tiptoing around to try not to wake it's parents But it doesn't matter because time could be a marching band walking over my body and I still wouldn't notice it Because my love will always be timeless If I could read your fingerprints like Brail, I would allow you to write a story on my body And then I would read myself, from beginning to end learning to love every part of me the way you do The same way I love you, relentlessly, uncontrollably and unapologetically I don't believe in destiny but I **** sure believe in miracles There are 7.12 billion people in the world and I got to meet you You see when I'm with you I swear I could walk on water, and turn the water to wine as I pass I know when we hug I've never been closer to God, and he speaks to me through your heartbeats He tells me to remember to breath when I'm around you because I often forget That's why there is no one in the world like you, people would drop dead while you take their breath away And me? Well You can keep my breath, and every other part of me because now and forever I'm yours