Daylight breaks And shadows over flow Cars move backwards And I run forward Flee to the sea Oh please flea to the sea I want to bleed with the ocean and overflow my throat with the burning rage of your waves Collapse below me and we will hide in bungalows and eat peaches on a hammock Rush into me Flow over me Breath with me And the waves rain blue daisies and I trip over your eyes oh how I trip over your eyes Swim to the shore where we lay unaware of tomorrow Dont you see it? I see it too You and me were uncontrollably letting go of all the ****** up dark **** in the world and the only anger was the sound of our bed oh baby please never let go of the rage that stems inside our heads Crash the car and walk on the ocean side with me Break the plates and smoke a joint because atleast with us the world has some color splattered on the canvas But tv screens, news stations scream back at me and I am scared of what our babies will see So run forward with me⦠Hush the world and live in peace with me Because daylight broke and shadows over flowed And I ran forward and you skipped beside me We fled where the seed grew into a bee And the waves turned into tornados and in the middle of the storm you said be with me Never leave The moment was hopelessly running away from us So we skipped into the next moment and the next We are insanity And blue daisies dance beside us with glee