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Jul 2016
Blame placed be seen worthwhile
Dearth of substance, forthright style.
A lightness of touch with sledge hammer grace
Paradoxically, artful, smiling face….
Anxiously generous yet whimsically mean
Frailness-ness sought ….now secretly seen,
Quandary thrown to Iraq's lost trust
Now loudly scowls with Mozart’s bust.

For be he rich or be he poor
This secret’s worth is out the door
For they, from whom this thing be kept,
Conveniently from this room…be swept.
Swallowed realizations dawn
This man, revealed, is but a pawn
A fragile lace at ******’s groin
Torn away….to be purloined,
Acute Embarrassment’s hot blush
Now camouflaged in angers flush.*

Pukehana Paradise
11 July 2016
Writhing within the Blair camp @ the Chilcott Report
showing, undeniably, Britains slavish following of  G.W.Bush's illegal and unwarranted
Invasion of Saddam Hussein's Iraq.
Marshal Gebbie
Written by
Marshal Gebbie  79/M/"Foxglove",Taranaki, NZ
(79/M/"Foxglove",Taranaki, NZ)   
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