I should never have left our apartment But the courage in your words left me no choice I watched your face trying to ignore what you said It all came from a place deeper than your voice
At first I thought it was just a warning But then you told me I didn’t get it That’s when I knew that it was real And now I know that you really meant it
When you find a feather You know it’s a part of something greater What flew away once landed at my window You knew that love for me would never be the same And now that you have taken flight How else would I know that you were right
I wish we had been born long ago Quiet evenings walking a path of leaves It could be that time has not long enough passed This the night air told me true love believes
I can see what it means to you To live a life knowing of a happy end And as the camera slowly recedes The movie we made is now a memory But though I know what is true, still You play a game of forget and pretend
When you find a feather You know it’s a part of something greater What flew away once landed at my window You knew that love for me would never be the same And now that you have taken flight I must live knowing that you were right