Remember Him while you are young, before your days and years grow dim, before your time finally draws to a close and you realise that life has ebbed away. Remember Him before the sun burns out, before the constellations are turned off and the dark clouds remain after the rain. Remember Him on the day the guards quake, when the soldiers are doubled over in fear, when the workers stop because they have fallen and the faces peering through windows fade, when the doors of houses are closed shut and the whetstone grinds to a standstill. Remember Him when people wake to silence because the birdsong can no longer be heard. Remember Him when people fear the mountains and terror finds them wherever they walk. Remember Him when the almond tree blossoms and the grasshopper can barely drag itself along, when all love and desire and passion wither away, when the mourners come to wander the streets, because you are reaching your everlasting home. Remember before the silver ring is melted down and the golden bowl is smashed into pieces, before the water jar is shattered at the fountain and the pulley wheel at the well is broken. The dust becomes one with the earth again and your spirit returns to He who gave it.
Nothing has meaning. Everything is pointless, an inane transient cloud. A single breath of smoke.
from Koheleth | Poetic Interpretations of Ecclesiastes