Koozies keep the beer cold They keep your hand warm And your beer cold Which is nice When most thing are more complicated Or more intricately disappointing
I find little to do Besides stare from one screen to the next And back and back again Rechecking the same websites The same hiss of the tab being popped
Sitting in one room While thinking of many rooms None of it really makes any sense This inherited feeling of unease Wanting just to be close to you To actually kiss you Meaning it Having some feeling behind something
Not wanting to rush from one thing to the next Just wanting to be stuck in that one moment with you Tasting your saliva Feeling your tongue, probing Like some rogue octopus tentacle
There is nothing that fills the hollowness Like you You are the echoing clatter of pebbles Thrown down a dark ravine Replacing space with substance One haphazard toss After another