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Jun 2016
There's a man sitting on the bus
I sat parallel to him
I think his legs might be rotting off.

I've got red wine in my bag
Smelling like I've got ****
But take pause
Everything can change in a heart beat.

I think we might have fallen in art love
Today at a production house
We drank a whole bottle
Of the nicest red wine
I've put in my mouth in a long time
And I think I truly was the best version
Of myself I've been
In quite some time.

Let's go escape
One more day till vaycay
Every moment, every pivotal breath
Has brought me right here
Next to a woman whose pink bag says
And the man who sits looking content
Though his legs speak otherwise.

I've been listening to this one song
On repeat
Because it sounds just like fantastical bliss
I've got gumption
A refrain of strong voices
Cheers and toast
What I've come here to do
I've got serious *****
They all coo
But sometimes
I leave my food behind
Because I got too emotional
In the grocery store
And that's what I do
I run away.

But I own it
Catch it in my butterfly net
Let's just go run to The Dojo
Get some solid affection and freedom
In before glittery forests and forlorn hopeful kisses.
Written by
OnwardFlame  Los Angeles, CA
(Los Angeles, CA)   
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