Evening sky White and grey Silver and blue Textured before my eyes Describe the heavens Above me As I rest on earth
I sway and pass Between Parallel lines And liquid bodies Entertain my eyes
This experience Can not contain me I choose to live I choose to be
Fields of long grasses Sway in the Iridescent light
A canal of greenery Ushers me safely Home
A thousand miles away Candles burn Quietly Fluttered by breezes
For some Time is running out For me Time is rushing in
The future The future Ever open and waiting
Communities of winged creatures Gather together in the humidity of the evening Perhaps a greater consciousness Directs their dance Down Up Over Side Down Up Repeat Repeat
Gather together for the wonderful dance Stay with the group Always together Dense in the middle Shimmering vibrations Sharing your aerial choreography
The closer together The more intricate the flight Not one on top Not one leader Togetherness In the dance Of evening
It is a time of day To rest the body Absorb the birdsong Breathe the fragrant air
To compose poetry To write verse A poetic time of day
Evening skies Blue and white Drift overhead Blue And White