I was talking to myself this morning. Trying to figure out what it is that I am mourning. Crazy thing is ...I awoke with this dread. Something's gone from me... Something's dead. I told me "Stop it, don't think about it anymore!" But I couldn't stop the hole that thought had already begun to bore. Into my very soul it had embossed. A deep agonizing feeling of pain for something lost. I couldn't shake it no matter how I tried. Something was gone. Something had died. I attempted to smile and be happy, but to the sadness I'd succumb. I feel isolated... I feel numb. Something has left me. Something is all wrong. I feel as if... As if I don't belong. What is this anomalous indigo? I am not me. The person I was, I...I can not see. Crazy thing is...I awoke with this dread. Perhaps it is I that I mourn...I who is dead.