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Jun 2016
This is the desert
Jackals and vultures with hungry eyes
Are watching
Setting their sight upon your skin
They want you to die
They feed on the promise of your demise
And salivate
At the dryness of your mouth
This is the desert
Endless miles of sand and angry sun
As all you feel is heat with no relief
They want you to die
Your body parched falling back to scorched earth
And forsaken hope
A soul dying of thirst

Build a well
Don't let the scavengers have a chance
To taste your meat
Don't die
Strung out from dehydration
As simple lips are licked by evil tongues
Longing claws
And crushing jaws
Build a well
And you will find water
The lord has granted
Written by
Torin  charlotte NC
(charlotte NC)   
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