I loved you too seriously, I was ultimately responsible for accepting thought for action. This continuous wheel that constantly turns. This longing that wants so desperately to see from your point of view, Wanting you to see from mine. This status quo of being calm, without the nervousness to overcome the things we both face. A vacation sought within both of our glares. Escaping anything that becomes routine, this natural aroma given by the warmth of our hearts. The true awakening of eyes. without warning. Wanting to do without need. But generous in everything. Seeking the spiritual rise of your soul entwined with mine, the spontaneous sun peeking through the clouds at any given time. With every touch, every moment of time that is given between us both. This is the effect you have on me, this feeling that takes place naturally. Actively seeking nirvana through the day to day conversations that happen at any given time. The sort of happening that isn't planned. But is heaven truly this grand, of all things precious, this actually happening to me. The beating of your heart in mine. This attempt of living in the present as well as the future. This is why I loved you too seriously. Thinking only of the future, forgetting to step back and laugh at my self. This immature frame of mind that instead embraces, takes for granted every other second is lost momentarily.Β Instead of touching on the laughter that comes deep within Whether big or small. The meaning eluded with each look of your eye. This translucent meeting that escapes into a place where nothing is forced. Coming into an interpretation of total silence. This chatter of hearts vibrating through a layer of skin. It's hid carefully but at the same time seen through the slightest movement. Needing to surrender to you, peeking through the clouds of reality. Watching you day by day become the light of my life. The ego appears, becoming a threat to things we know aren't true but at the same time is comprehended as something else entirely. Attitudes and morals agree in difference. Firmly believing that one another is right, without comprise. Being serious. Contemplating in the here after after the moment has long passed. Wishing to place this rapture of different emotions under lock and key as love is prideful, absent minded, careful, thoughtful as well as selfish. Afraid too, as it can be seen as something different in each others eyes. This sense of pride that hinders not just one point of view but spreads through out. Becoming a fear that's never quite existed with such emphasis. It's un-rational in a sense but conquers everything through conception. This is what I mean by too serious. Instead of light hearted laughter It wasn't reassured, I expected you to automatically know that the universe was held tight in your hands. The thought of my world. The focal point of eyes in deep need. They reveal all that needs to be said. An explosion that grows unstable, moments we've fallen in love with time after time. This vibration that spreads into two beings. The birth of separate thoughts that cling from one mind to the next. Two separate people having the same thought at the same time. This ideology which rationalizes each and every thought that I have of you. At times I believe without a shadow of a doubt that you know. But at times I'd like you to know That it is reassured by the sound of my voice. But is lost in the echo of your voice. This vibration that longs to be close to you