Listen Technicolor dream screen Conditioned glob of a thing,
Synchronicity / listen / close Electric sanity
All a pulse a puzzle Abuzz in wandering wonder (In the brain)
Explosive rain / pains: Alight Each breaking bone Thunder loud Razor-heat bullet hole
You are mind Always a flight Even in respites' malingering Wight Ghosts Living machinations Of physical information Kept / Wept Even in plundering / times
It is difficult to hear you In the dark vale / veil shrouds Truth...
Listen to all the pandering / Crimes : Symptomatic cacophony Like pixelatious chaos Snow of black & white
Void of hi-def depth Just a box of a skull / **** tube / (blight)
Still flesh heavy In the silt of reality's sleights
Conditioned for numb To naught care / less aware Chewing gum
As the wilderness from without Floods Cantankerous / gelatinous Countries of grey Matter Overwhelming mind
Rather than mind over Thought to spontaneous Flame Create universe In your vox cave
So listen closer now Such multitudes of crave Life,ride focus to rife clarity Imagination & knowledge - just the same As sane and Obtuse / for Over- use / Voracity...
I am you And you are I
I am the fire Magic in the eye
If we are one And one are we Shed light in this space Mountain / that is mine
Seeing is knowing Stay true to thine For you are mind Technicolor wisdom now
No longer dead or blind / Listen, no word need spat This is the beginning of all that