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Jun 2016
Everyone deserves to be accepted unless you're white, a male, straight and stayed the gender you were born with and don't agree with the views I have. I have the right to my opinion but if you're not voting for Bernie Sanders you need to be beaten to a pulp. Our opinions need to be heard and yours needs to be silenced with an air horn. If you believe in killing terrorist you're a bigot and if you don't believe in abortion you're stupid and 36 weeks is a proper time to abort the baby. Accept me for all my genders although you don't even know half of them. Everyone is racist subconsciously and educate yourself to find out why because I don't need to educate you myself really because I have no supporting evidence and quite frankly  I'm talking out of my ***. I absolutely despise white people although I have ,German, Irish, British and French ancestry but they're still pieces of **** for what they did back in the before I was even born! You don't like me although I'm black NOT because I'm black as a matter of fact you never made a comment on my race but you're still racist. I don't care what people think as I'm outside protesting a bakery who won't make cakes for gay people. Women are oppressed in this country, the men who lose their kids in a divorce settlement, being told that women can't **** or abuse them mean nothing to us it's all a myth. I'm a loud mouth, unappealing, racist, violent controlling perpetrator but just love me!!
I'm using complete sarcasm in this
Chloe Zafonte
Written by
Chloe Zafonte  22/F/United States
(22/F/United States)   
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