Yearning to say those words, But not daring to enter those lingual waters. Being entranced by the soft touch of Lips to her own Makes the once fear Of expressing what is wanted Vanish.
Except for these few words Which remain trapped Behind a closed jaw And fingers which refuse to type.
The girl filled with stories Becomes timid. The girl who speaks of finding something real Stops in the tracks of these words. All in the name of losing.
Losing what she thinks is real. Losing because of the release of what she has concealed. Losing the thing she vanquishes sleep over. Losing her realistic shot at happiness. Losing the muse that sheds light On her old soul.
Her soul is restless and dark, Or so it seemed. A hazy veil is lifted after years of cloaking The true potential of an individual That no one truly knew.
This unexpected unmasking Came as a jolt, Something electrifying. It revived the girl's heart.
But still, The girl sits waiting for a time To unfasten her jaw and stretch her fingers To reveal those words