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May 2016
Remember the sandcastleΒ 
that we used to build?

It took some time
but little did we know
we have handcrafted our future

it was a hard work and patience
Passerby's liked it, others did not
but what do they know?
We had fun building it!

We were diligent to fill
it with sand
Sand that was formed
into an art of love
A castle that we both own

Yes, you will be the king,
and please, call me 'milady'
We will rule the kingdom
No negativities shall come in

Not until when we came back
Those sands of promises and memories
become pain
Everything was ruined
when the waves washed
our dreams away.
Written by
Adele  BCD, PH-YYZ, CA
(BCD, PH-YYZ, CA)   
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