when a writer uses a semicolon they choose not to end the sentence when they could have however maybe it has a new place a new meaning for those with mental illnesses instead of ending your story with a period replace it with a semicolon you chose not to end it for a reason your story matters you matter your scars matter but they don’t define you the number of panic attacks that you’ve had within the past week doesn’t define you your suicide attempts or lack of them don’t define you no matter how hard it is you kept fighting but for some of us it’s a hard fight and we don’t all make it to the end but those of us who do are able to help others who are in the same battle i know it’s a hard fight but winning is worthwhile you will be scared you will cry you will break down you will relapse but you have to keep fighting you have to stay strong no matter how hard the fight is there are people who care about you who love you who would miss you i would miss you and i don’t even know you but i know how it feels to feel alone worthless broken and i know it’s hard but this world is so much better with you in it don’t end this story with a “.” use a “;” don’t close the book don’t rush the ending of your story keep fighting this fight because one day the clouds will fade away and you are so much stronger than you think