Unremitting tears in dry eyes and halted flow of blood in nerves What lies just behind my pectus is a heart or a muscle filled with igneous unwanted emotions
Let’s just hold our breathe for a moment and see moments of eternal attachments are becoming breathless with our detest
Is it really necessary to search answers for all the unsolved questions and find reasons for all the incidents/accidents and bruise equanimity of sun soaked day calm attraction of loneliness
Is it really necessary to drag all dead souls from their graves and **** them again
I know restricted sensations are hitting my heart to be expressed to be showed to be felt and filled
But is it really necessary to plead for the need to rest and cry over your chest to face the silence that will come after your departure
Silence has its own words Darkness has its own color How does it matter whether all the squatters know this or not
Its enough for me If I could let you know I and mightiness of my feeling started with you and will end with you
Busy life busy days busy nights What we gain in between is little time that used to get wasted with unnecessary expression of anger, hate and unsatisfaction for what we expected to get and could not get and what we thought to say....remain unexpressed
(A dedication to great romantic poet Pablo Neruda. Initially I thought why most of the poets write about love but his poems made me realize you don't need to write about a lot of things/problems if you made yourself feel the universe and you know how it is created attraction...science also says this)