*Even though I do my best, you are always right here by my side gently caressing my thoughts with wonder, bringing desires to my mind in poetic whispers cast upon the continuous ripples rapidly forming with every breath I take
Mornings still bring the sunrise in multicolored shades of how I feel, reaching for that lost love, silently floating like indigo dreams just beyond my grasp I still want, with every ounce, every movement, every hope
I am still being told I long for what I can not have, that elusive bloom at the peak of the arbor, honeysuckle beauty washing down upon me, fragrant reminders of a time before when your petals gathered at my heart in a bouquet of nectar scented affection
And try as I like it is of no use, my mind holds you, desperately dreaming in echoed wishes and twilight longings which never seem to end, for I know, as long as there are sunrises, honeysuckle breezes and poetry - there will be you