rain mud and grass common prayer good weather good people art and umbrella bags because who wants to get wet? unless it’s with you I could I would jump into the lake for that rock sew cleanse initials made in sharpie and unclamp we run around the park the afternoon surrounds us the woman in the bikini passes and we laugh iced tea decaf coffee cake without teeth and that airstream camper you always wanted I could live in your backyard I could live somewhere not here in silver prostrated with my back to the moon like dead like a mummy like a mirror and life would make sense life would be beautiful like this run with perfect amounts of sweat and conversation that runs waves in the sand and tells the squirrels goodnight, tractor see you tomorrow and the land that billows is dug up and chewed like a goodnight poem this run with you takes rest on my soul and I crack my ribs to take the spring’s twilight aroma