I want to watch you, observe all your pores and spots where fine wrinkles have settled.
I want to see you dance daintily like a flower or grunt and hoof your way through space like a grubby animal. Either exalted or halted, I want to hold you, to cup your soft surrendered hands just like a clam shell, and to cocoon your weary beating body.
Let me love you in silence, from afar like a deer hiding in the forest, peeking out at the mysteries of the world.
I want to love you deeply like the ocean loves the land as she kisses its gentle shores and runs away all too soon, called by the moon.
I lay on the dusted hardwood of our home, your washing the dishes and the fragrant smell of soap fills the air, I lay underneath the door frame tracing my eyes up and down your sweet body, your strong back hunched over. Hard working arms cleaning, oh the little love secrets I keep to myself.
I want to run through meadows picking the most vibrant wildflowers so I may lay them at your feet, gently quietly.
This yearning in my soul words do not know this love, these intangible feelings exuding.
I want to bathe you in a claw foot tub and in the silence watch your eyes grow wide, I want to see the wonderment of a whole galaxy of stars glimmering inside you before noise ushers such things away before noise pulls me from this fantasy. This dream that we are living, it exists, I know it does.
You can live it too, please please, just close your eyes and let love linger for a moment feel loves sweet breathe as she breathes in silence, as she breathes inside of you and inside of me.