I could not tell you of where, when or how Or why or whence or with whom It began. All I can speak of is what I perceive My neurons oblivious of floor plan.
Gray matter confabulates my wisdom, Muddles synaptic impulse. Confused nerves, Travel unsheathed in an unpatterned grid Relay scrambled message with undue verve.
Concerto fifth, notes ripple through the air I hear not this music rich But I see Colours of infinite depth ebb and flow Sounds live in my eyes, lines swirl and flurry.
Waning sun kissing the horizon deep I see not this beauty pure But I smell Warm scent of sweet cinnamon and jasmine Pictures translated to redolent swell.
Olfactory bliss of soft infant kiss I smell not this fragrance warm But I feel Velvet satin touch caressing my skin Scents flow as mercury on fingers sealed.
Hypnotic pressure of pebbles underfoot I feel not this kneading joy But I taste Caramelised coat cut by bold sour storm Tactility morphs into scrumptious paste.
Palate aglow under five course repast I taste not this saucy feast But I hear Melodious blend of pitch and cadence Flavour unwrapped in acoustics of my ear.
My topsy-turvy world Created By my poor flummoxed nerves. Never a listless moment Dished up by Crossing neurons as they swerve.