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Apr 2016
I came home today
It was the same as always.
Always yelling, always hating
Always calling each other names.
I came home today and there they were
My mother and step father fighting as always
My step father never hits my mother
Which is why I should love him more
Than the pig that is my father.
But sadly I don't love my family.
Since the fact that they don't love me.
My mother even told me that I wasn't her son.
I am adopted
After 16 years of living at home and thinking I was blood
To soon find out that I am a nobody
That hurts in ways I do not understand.
I came home today to find that I still live in a place where I can hate.
Not really a poem. Just wanted to get this out of me.
Camron Elliott
Written by
Camron Elliott  Texas
   unknown, Corvus and ---
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