Our words often create a barrier Weather mis-communication or dialect of the carrier We are often mistaken in our strive to be understood And our attempts to erase preconceived ideas often do us no good
But language has a Jackal side One of divine intent and clarity One we take a little pride When we are understood quite sincerely
A bridge over mote is our words We let others in with every noun and every verb
For how we think and how we speak, is a narrator to how we act And unlike words on paper, words once spoken we can never fully take back
Our language is a weapon but more discreet than not Because the barbs of our words catch every idea and every thought
Verbal homicide leads to dismantle and disgrace It’s the instigator of hate crimes, discrimination and slavery of a race
Language is a lover, the reconstruction of your ruins Language is the difference between being animal and barley human