I'm not writing anymore As much as I'm Watching in helpless wonder As the words Fall out from my fingertips As my heart flys Off towards the songs Of her voice And I find myself Hypnotized by her picture Framing her perfect Endless Ocean Eyes And would the effect have beeen the same Had we meet After one too many Or spilled each others coffees In a crowded café If I held her hand on a late night walk Instead of this longing To know her touch Instead of dreaming of what could be If not for the ocean And time And distance Would I have been too shy To say word Had she danced or chanced Before me... I know I would have froze And quitely walked away Never to say a thing But maybe one day Write of the regret For the dream that I let Waltz right past And never took the chance... I cannot explain Or dare question fate Of the why All I can do is watch As the words fall out And helplessly stare At her eyes Perfect in their frame
Its easier to write poems than to send a simple message... I'm more of a coward and a fraud than an artist. Dam, I think that's the fraud police at my door... don't worry they'll never take me alive (I'm already dead)