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Apr 2016
I follow the broken jasmine
In the path I know will lead me astray,
Did this huge distance away
From myself deceive my heart?

    I know that my lifeless eyes
    Have followed you here
    Among the Fallen inhabitants;
    I joined you in the abyss.

A wave of punishment daily
Gnaws at this strange ignorance,
My retreat into a dark innocence
Leaves me in a retreat inward.

    You are the dead flower in an
    Arched mystery, I know the path
    I have taken to you,
    Death has shown me how
    To walk its valleys:

Illusion or love,
Held captive by my mortgaged soul.
Some will follow anyone anywhere for love.
You ever see the homeless couple?
Ever see the addict boyfriend putting his girl
To walk the street? That is mg hood, this is my take
On how they think to follow one into an existence
We may call crazy.
The Dedpoet
Written by
The Dedpoet  38/M/San Anto, Tejas
(38/M/San Anto, Tejas)   
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