Someday's I’m tired of smiling Someday's I’m angry at the world and everyone Someday’s I hate myself Someday’s I want to die Someday’s I’m scared of death Someday's I think about the past Someday’s I think about the future Someday’s I’m thinking about to much Someday’s I’m sad Someday’s I want to be crying Someday’s I want to be yelling Someday’s I’m happy Someday’s I question myself Someday’s I’m my own worst nightmare Someday’s I judge others Someday’s I get angry with myself for saying mean things to others or judging them Someday’s I’m broken Someday’s My heart stops for a second Someday’s I’m day dreaming, to get away from everything Someday’s I want to be dancing around like a crazy person Someday’s I think about what other think about me Someday’s I’m sick and tired Someday’s I want to join in the group Someday’s I don’t think I’m wanted Someday’s I think everyone hates me Someday’s I don’t think my opinion doesn’t matter Someday’s I realize my hands shake a lot Someday’s I worry about almost everything Someday’s I’m scared of everything and everyone Someday's I write poems and quotes to help me out, with all the things I think about, telling myself “This is how I’m going to tell everyone my feelings” because I have a hard time telling them face to face without crying, and running away from them, and the next day saying it was nothing