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Meister Lendonshire
Apr 2016
Blue Nightingale: A Sailor's Song to Sleep
Nightingale, oh my blue nightingale
How wondrous your songs make my day
You let my troubles left astray
Oh nightingale, blue nightingale now off we sail
Through the seas and blues we together wander
Off and on shore storms yet your night songs provide me refuge
That's why I kept going each breakfast through supper
For the night I wait for your songs to cure my somber
Oh do I sometimes wonder why such night you only sing
But not for the day where my troubles are on its wing
Blue nightingale oh you're such full of mysteries
Yet I shan't bother for I cast you always my sea stories
After a long while my senses poked for you don't sing no more
Nor your colorful blue wings spread nevermore
The storms went, wrecked our ship now we're only together
My poor heart grieves, my poor soul hungers
Then I realized you only sing for the stars
Not for the morning sun, not for you, not for our poor ship and oh not for me
You've always dreamed to fly, fly away from here
To the stars that is, to the ambitious stars you always loved
Oh nightingale, blue nightingale from this false abode now I've awaken
From the lust o' spell I've once trapped from your songs forsaken
Now I have to let you go no breath ever taken
Away now you fly and let me forever alone freeze on this cold of ice
Oh nightingale, my blue nightingale now you're gone
But now I suppose, so am I
Nightingale, blue nightingale in my dreams you shall now sing and fly high
And now let I be put to sleep and alone sing this last cold sigh.
Written by
Meister Lendonshire
Abdallah Sadiq
Kim Elaydo
Lucrezia M N
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