It doesn't say "only whites" Or "Only if you're black"
It doesn't say "only Jews" Or "Only if you're not"
It doesn't say "only women" Or "Only if you're male"
It doesn't say "only gays" Or "Only if you're straight"
It doesn't say "only Sinless" Or "Only if you're clean"
It says "repent" And It says "believe"
It says "He loves" And It says "He sees"
It says "He died Upon A cross"
It says "He lives" And "Died for us"
It says "He wore A Thorny crown"
And died and rose Up From the ground
He loves and saves Us From our sins
Despite our looks Or Thoughts within
He will return To Us one day
And come to take Us Elect away
Jesus died for everyone. Previously gay, or straight, red and yellow, black and white, sinner, and everyone in between. If you come to Him on your knees, He will have you