My mushroom was watered by your juices fertilised the head grew in your dampness. the seedling grew in anticipation, would it seed in needed spaces or would it be launched to the gravity of its surroundings and fall cold.
Could this eclipse of growth be sustained, or in the throws of becoming dehydrated in the over gratification of over consumption wither in needed times and never reach its potential of what was needed. But become withered in momentary over indulgence and go limp in the field of warmth..
This once proud mushroom ever reaching new heights, Its stalk standing once tall but now faltering and lying motionless where once it stood tall. that warm space waiting, wanting its seeds to flourish in this damp place. Know all but dried up, waiting for another flourishing head to seed its dampness where the other fell silently limp.
Ok I know crude as a **** but you got to admit some naughty metaphors lol