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Mar 2016
what is a moment
but a blink of an eye?
yes you are here,
but are you really alive?

you physically exist
mentality persists
but tell me,
what is it you resist?

is it the collapsing of your being
into all that is freeing?

is it letting go of the notion
that the only thing worthy of your devotion
is a love sick potion
perpetually pushing you in forward motion?

what if you took a second to breathe?

came to understand the landscape of who you are
without setting the bar?

the only thing worth raising
is the cultivation of a life worth praising

a garden worth growing
ideas worth knowing

relationships worthy of your love
compassion for yourself that fits like a glove

faith that the universe is working for you

look at your valleys, hills, canyons, and peaks
shhh don't speak
just ask yourself from where you stand
"do i like the view?"
Ryan Frisby
Written by
Ryan Frisby
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