I met you and I was light grey Lovely to some, and shy, never wanted to be noticed You were filled with colors to complicated to understand, mysterious. I was drawn into with your rope of colors that you wrapped around my waist and drew me in When I fell into you, I transformed into red ocean with love a big, plentiful ocean that the waves crashed into your sly smile. You danced and blue fell from the seams of jeans You laughed and yellow poured out of your mouth You sang, badly, but it showered me in pink I lived for your colors, they overshined mine but I was okay with it because I was used to be the shadows behind people's bright colors You were the sun and I was Pluto, I could get away but you still were drawing my picture with the colors that I wanted to see. The white sand that lined the ocean was your words that I took into my currents and kept inside of me to save for later, but then you decide that light grey wasn’t your color everything turned black The clouds that filled the pink sky were alive with bolts streaming across your beach that I made for you. My ocean turned into a swirling grey and green, churning until my whirlpool sinks your beach, your memory right out of existence. It took me awhile to get the colors that you painted for me to become mine but you have now faded away like light blue slowly fades into night And I change from grey into an array of colors that draws you now in with rope. Funny, how when my colors shine bright without your colors you want me and all my colors.
To anyone feels overshadowed by someone else, you are amazing. You and your colors will soon become so vibrant that you will live for yourself.