You light cigarette after cigarette In this dark room Single occupancy only The smoke dissipating into the musk The room is bare Table chair ashtray you The cigarettes never run out The ashtray never fills
You want to stand and leave Step out that door that sits ajar Letting in the merest sliver of light Through which you glimpse Familiar faces you can't quite place Calling for you in voices Hushed concerned brave bright The people pass Their sounds fade
You feel weighted down Bound to this chair With stiff leaden limbs It seems like you've been here before Yet this cell is unfamiliar How did you end up here Capture accident own free will The cigarette burns to ash The ash crumbles to dust
There is no time or space here that you can sense. The room is getting comfortable and somehow you no longer feel that pressing need to leave. Did you have an existence beyond these countless cigarettes? The memories flee your grasp, and your thoughts are slowly going...e v e n w o r d s d o n 't f o r m a n y m -