In poetry he wrote the heart of colors without paints or a brush but with words to direct and shades to inspect.
Wind whipped fields of green transitioning from darker to lighter And lighter to darker with wet patches here and there punctuated by yellow, and purple flowers.
The grey gravel road pushing out into the wild world starting with sharp rocks, several distinct shades of grey, and the occasional black oil spot. Then swerving softly and violently away as each color loses it edge and all shades become one.
The night sky dark blue almost back with light sparks Floating in that strange expanse chasing down the light blue day. Then being chased away with purple, orange, and turquoise hues wearing cloudy covered colors as well.
In the human form skin scarred by harsh rays slightly red, freckled lines of age light pink lips. Neck bulging from exertion. Sweat slickened skin glistening. Hazel eyes that explode, spreading sparse space light in lines outward from the iris like a new universe.
Till the mind collapses under the pressure of trying to see all the colors and the poet knows he is missing a million shades, tints, and hues. However, there are only so many lines in this poem And only so little time in this finite color enriched life.