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Feb 2016
(20 minute poetry)

They have it in for you and me,
they have found a way
to have their cake and
eat it every day.

But it's not about them.

You and I get by and together
we can fly away.

In the summertime and the washing's off the line, we can build a kite together and perfect weather for floating a dream downstream.

I watch as the clouds realign and see a sign and a warning as more clouds and storm clouds are forming off the starboard bow.

How do they manage to eat all of the cake?

It's the frequency that frequents me and brings the news of home, news from friends and family, tears of joy and tragedy on the frequency that frequents me.

I turn off and tune in and soon all is forgotten
except for them and cake and I have a stomach ache.

You and me and two into one go on because it's not about them,
It's about us.
John Edward Smallshaw
Written by
John Edward Smallshaw  68/Here and now
(68/Here and now)   
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