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Feb 2016
Your hearts are filled with happiness so great and over-
You cannot comprehend it, for it’s far beyond all knowing
How any heart could hold such joy or feel the fullness of
The wonder and the glory and the ecstasy of love.
You wish that you could capture it and never let it go
So you might walk forever in its magic, radiant glow.
And love in all its ecstasy is such a fragile thing,
Like gossamer in cloudless skies or a hummingbird’s
small wing.
And love that lasts forever must be made of something
The kind of strength that’s gathered when the heart can
hear no song.
When the sunshine of your wedding day runs into stormy
and hand in hand you brave the gale and climb steep
hills together,
And, clinging to each other while the thunder rolls above,
You seek divine protection in faith and hope and love.
For days of wine and roses never make love’s dreams
come true-
It takes sacrifice and teardrops and problems shared by
To give true love its beauty, its grandeur, and its fi-
And to mold an earthly ecstasy into heavenly divine-

ፍቅረኞች ሲጋቡ

ፍቅር እስተአፉ ሞልቶ ሲፈስ፣
እንዴት እንደዚህ ያለ መንፈስ፣
የመፍለቅለቅ ስሜት የሚያጭር፣
ሐሴት የሆነ ሚስጢር፣
ልባችሁ አጭቆ እንደሚያምቅ፣
ይላችኋል ድንቅ!
አጥብቃችሁ ይዛችሁት፣
አትፈቅዱም ልትለቁት፣
በምትሐቱ የፀሐይ ጨረር
በደንብ ለመንሸርሸር!
ፍቅር ቢሆንም ስሜት የፍንደቃ
ነገር ነው ቶሎ የሚነቃ -
እንደ ድርጭት ክንፍ መሳይ፣
ወይ እንደ ሸረሪት ድር
በዳመና አልባ ሰማይ!
ለዘላቂ ፍቅር ጥሬ እቃ!
መሸመቺያ ትክክለኛ ወቅት
ወይ ደቂቃ፣
ልብ ዘና ሳይል በሙዚቃ!
የጋብቻችሁ የፀሐይ ብርሃን ወቅት
ወይ የጫጉላ ሽርሽር፣
ሲቀየር ወደ ውሽንፍር፣
እጅ ለእጅ ተያይዛችሁ፣
ወጀብ ትቋቋማላችሁ!
እርስ በራሳችሁ ላይም ተንጠላጥላችሁ፣
ቀጥ ያለ ዳገት ትወጣላችሁ፣
መብረቅ ሲያጓራ በላያችሁ -
በሰማያዊ እርዳታና ፍቅር
በእምነትና ተስፋ ጭምር!
የወይን ብርጭቆ ማጋጨት፣
የአበባ እቅፍ መሠጣጠት፣
የፍቅርን ህልም
እውን አያደርገውም በውነት!
የሚጋሩት ችግር
የእንባ ዘለላ መስዋዕትነት፣
ያስፈልጋል ለፍቅር ውበት፣
ሙቀት ደሞም ድምቀት ለመስጠት፣
ምድራዊ ሐሴት ነገር፣
ወደሰማያዊ ፀጋ ለመቀየር!
(በሔለን ስቲነር ራይስ )//
Marriage is a special occasion in life!
Written by
Alem Hailu GKristos  Ethiopia
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