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Shane Bowles PhotoArtist
Feb 2016
No Clicking Of Heels
No Clicking Of Heels
I don't cry anymore
Because I know
Anything that lasts
Must go slow.
We burned it out
With passion hot.
I touched you softly
And found your spot.
Not the one
Between your legs
Or your neck
Or pulling hair while you begged.
Far deeper than that
Did we go.
To a place unknown
In our soul.
A place that scared
The living hell
To a point
We did bid farewell.
We burned it out
Before we began
To see each other
From end to end.
From heart to heart
From head to toe
From places beneath
That none will know.
To places far more vast
Than we can see within ourselves.
Places never written about
On tall bookshelves.
Places beyond
space and time
Where angels dance
Where all things rhyme
And gel within
To grow us far
From egos to souls
On other sides of stars.
Where did we meet?
In halls of school?
And where's that baby
We wanted, with coo?
And I think of this
From time to time.
Wondering how
To end this rhyme
This hell to heaven
All wrapped in one
The memories of pain
And so much fun.
Where we are together
Making love and peace
As gypsies do
Living in ease.
But all my logic
And all you feels
Can't bring us back home
By click of heels.
The storm is too great
In your mind from then.
Yet I'll dream of you
Until my end.
4 mins flat,
This took to write.
And it's done with love
Not worry or fright.
You're within me
And you just flow out
So it all much be true
I have no doubt
That you miss me too,
Now and then
And have great wonder
Why did we end
Or could we begin again.
My feels; your logic;
My logic; your feels.
But no fine answer;
And no clicking of heels.
I've tried.
Smarty Pants [aka NitWit;) :*]
Jessi LouBob
Written by
Shane Bowles PhotoArtist
Ariel Knowels
Dolores L Day
Mark Tilford
Kalesh Kurup
7 others
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