A hand wrapped around your throat. Every once in a while squeezing a little harder. To remind you of the control it has over your happiness.. Playing mind games from time to time, Letting you experience the taste of joy. Only the very next second to be flung back into the pit you could have sworn you were almost out of. Light is an illusion. The hope you once had everytime you saw it dwindles. You eventually find yourself turning your back on it. You don't stretch out your hand anymore. You don't try anymore. You don't believe anymore. Who you were, who you could have been is slowly swallowed by the darkness. Color is no more. Life is no more. Never knowing what you did to deserve it. Only knowing that you do..... Deserve it that is........ I don't ask questions anymore. "Why" is a repeated pointless word with no answer. So I made up my own. "There is no why. It is only what it is, it is just you." The hand squeezes until death becomes you. Fight as you might some of us won't make it. Blood shot eyes of my soul, I might not make it. One simple fact, I'm not gonna make it.