some 4.5 billion years ago the atoms that would coalesce to ***** your evanescent features detoured to a lonely chunk of rock aimlessly adrift in the Milky Way Galaxy
you stayed alive by pure instinct fight or flight you could not thrive yet you survived nature's attempts to crush you in her fearsome jaws
bits of you walked with dinosaurs bone fragments ground to dust and reformed over eons of evolution until you stood upright and found a tongue to describe planet Earth
remnants of those dead languages live on to this very day they inhabit the ink stains i leave upon this yellowed page while folk tunes croon over my shoulder and Dallas Green breathes a city in multicolor
a map of the universe is etched across your face and i cannot escape the smirk that spread with mirth nor erase the memory of eyes like interstellar space staring back at me unblinking for 4 minutes that felt simultaneously like a lifetime and the space between 2 fractions of a millisecond
you came from the Big Bang when the cells that would form our bodies were forged in the cores of supernovas exploding across the cosmos and we've been on a collision course ever since an unstoppable force and an immovable object for matter can neither be created nor destroyed