I find it really offensive when people tell me they worry about me because I don't have a man in my life "Don't you get lonely?" "Don't you want to meet your Prince Charming?" "Don't you want to be happy?" "Don't you want someone to share your life with?" "You better get out there because you won't be young forever." "You NEED a man." Let me take a moment to answer those questions
Yes I get lonely That is why God gave us friends so we have someone to call when we get lonely
No I don't want to meet my Prince Charming I am my own Prince Charming I am strong enough to handle my own problems I don't need a man cleaning up my messes
Who said I wasn't happy? I have a family that grows everyday leaving me with that much more people to love I have friends who encourage me to be my goofy self which makes me confident to be myself I have my poetry, I have music, I have other things that bring my heart joy I don't have time to be unhappy There is more to life than men
Yes I would like someone to share my life with but I'm not rushing things Love is not something that you can rush It happens in it's own time I've been around long enough to know that things always work out the way they should I have no time to have anxiety about something that I cannot control
My age does not determine my future relationship status People can fall in love at any age Don't try to use age as a way to scare me into something I am not ready for
I do not NEED a man I will be with someone because I want to be NEED makes you desperate WANT means you know what you are getting yourself into Even the most healthy relationships end sometimes If you NEED a man to feel good about yourself you still have insecurity issues that need to be dealt with How can you love someone else if you can't love yourself? You can't
The worlds outlook on love is beyond messed up Love is more than meeting someone, marrying them and so on It's about letting someone into your heart and allowing them to love the parts of you that you thought could never be loved Love is about putting someone else ahead of yourself Love is about encouragement, acceptance, happiness and growth Not ***, fighting, divorce and being forced into something you don't want to do Love is finding someone you collide with perfectly and still finding happiness in each other even when the rest of the world is doing all it can to see you miserable
Life is full of possibilities Let me live my life Let me enjoy my happiness the way it is Stop trying to change my personal happiness
WRITTEN BY: Mandie Michelle Sanders WRITTEN ON: February. 5, 2016 Friday 8:51 PM