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Feb 2016
years pass

things that
bothered me

songs that
pierced my heart

songs that
brought only
sad memories

how i kick my
for getting rid of you

vinyl and CD
but especially
****... why did i let you go
steeping in the memories

how fast
they take
right back

to those moments
bittersweet memories
with ones we loved
so seemingly deep
or not
such great passion
such great wisdom

don't hurry through
your pain
but don't ever
think you cannot
get through it
if you so choose

sometimes it is time
to check out
who am i
to say

another day.....
another moment...
will change how
you feel
what you think.....

i say...
plan it out
be very detailed
but do not be impetuous

take your time

for you have all
the time in the world
all the time in the

for there is no where to go
nothing to do
all the time to
get there

if you might
ever ask for my advice
and i caution you
you may not want to
do that

procrastination in
some things
is the very best

now what the ****
am i talking about...

i know.
do you????
am i ee
Written by
am i ee
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