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Feb 2016
Politics of power politics of greed, politics we don't really need
Words with no meaning, words of war, words to exasperate all the wrongs of before
Men in bowler hats from higher degrees of education, Suffragettes in suits with their posh procrastinations
Radicalised preachers disguised as primary school teachers, morals and values that have no worth, morals and values to discolour our earth
Politicians with a fame fascination, politicians on their own inert instruction
Politics of verbal constipation, designed in a way you will never comprehend, politics of corruption and manipulation,  politics to make your thoughts unlawfully twist and bend
Politics that so easily steal from a dying hand, politics that allows our old to die where they stand
The politicians expense account, this just helps the animosity amount, our money, our stability our very existence, put to one side and dealt with the utmost of contempt if you offer up any form of resistance
Politics of minorities who the majority doesn't want or need and should rightfully and respectfully be abolished, when you look at our world  our people, and how they suffer, the responsibility lays firmly at their feet for with their megalomaniac ways , our world they have tarnished
I personally do not vote, how can I, when all they do is lie, I'm sure in-between, this cataclysmic scene, someone has the heart, the integrity and honour to want to serve the people of their nation, but I guess , like the rest , they'll accept their payout, sign on a dotted line, and never scream, never shout
Written by
nico papayiannis  UK
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