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Jan 2016
full and orangy
you sink quickly
as morning comes

don't go so quickly...
i'm sorry i slept

the night is ours
i missed you so many

you are my peace
my balm
my love

keep my puppies
till i join you all.....

the sun has

the people crawl
out of their little spaces

the night is mine
just for you & me

oh & the snow truck
& driver from Jamaica
whose truck was stuck
in this snow

three or four hours
he waited for his
buddies to help

such a blizzard this
place did have

seven, lucky 7
trucks were stuck
during the night

drivers waiting
digging them out
with little shovels

feet cold
sox wet

oh the *******
will soon begin

where were you
all you little
warm & asleep
little peeps?

very asleep
whether awake or

why did you not
bring this man
this cold Island man

a nice big shovel
from your
little little house

some did
& stayed to

& stayed to
watch his
buddy set him free

& stayed to
cheer as he & his

made it back up
the big hill
got a running start

they made it
ALL the way up!

my moon
high in the sky
soft light
watching all

watching all
go by

i love you moon
i shall see you soon!
love the night, love the moon, love the solitude... love the silence
am i ee
Written by
am i ee
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