I see you everyday,
You sitting on the curb,
Making a sudden burst,
My heart beats with your pace,
I need you back in my arms,
From death to destiny !
I see you moving with the wind,
Blowing ashes that sway in the midst,
flutters with the storm,
Zigzag it is,
Love broken,
Heart sinks,
My eyes blink,
Tears stream linearly,
Preferably involuntarily,
Stop !
I scream for you to say
as you wipe this pain,
kiss my lips and take me away,
Forever there,
In a farther place,
Where just you and me
live in tranquility,
You to me are everything,
So pretty please,
Stay with me.
I see you everyday,
You sitting on the curb,
Making a sudden burst,
My heart beats with your pace,
I need you back in my arms,
From death to destiny !
I close my eyes,
Imagine you touching me,
Softly you kiss me,
Passionately you hug me,
You're a saint to me,
A sculptured piece,
Carved beautifully,
You are my treasure chest,
Full of jewels and riches,
Red as blood,
Flowing through your body like royalty,
My antique,
captivating me,
Come to me baby,
And I'll keep you safe,
And shielded for eternity,
My soul,
My once upon a dream.
I see you everyday,
You sitting on the curb,
Making a sudden burst,
My heart beats with your pace,
I need you back in my arms,
From death to destiny !
My fairy tale,
My dream come true,
Please come to me,
Forgive me,
Lift me,
And envelope me in your embrace,
Block my fears,
And love me in haste,
Give us another chance,
Don't you miss me,
Don't you remember the first time our hands touched,
The electricity and the elevation of my heart,
Beating fervently,
Our gasping breaths,
And synchronized stroke,
Sending goosebumps everywhere,
You're as beautiful as the sunset,
And as scenic as the rivers streaming,
Paradox I am,
Tired I am of crying,
Come to me,
And reconnect in this unison.
I see you everyday,
You sitting on the curb,
Making a sudden burst,
My heart beats with your pace,
I need you back in my arms,
From death to destiny !
Song #3