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Jan 2016
the delicious silence
forms tucked away
in beds
dreaming sleeping dreams

the town silent
only the night
shift toils away

and even they

the sky hidden
by a blanket of clouds
rain paused

a peaceful heart
breathes in

thoughts abated
warm messages

an army of wonderful
reaching out to
one another

bringing love and joy
into a little corner of another
part of this little

she spins
out in space
green and blue and white

dear dear Mother Earth
so small when seen from above
so huge when seen from below

peals of laughter ring across her
sobs of sorrow water her

ever there
ever here

we are all one
here on this little
spinning rock

wake up and
be the love
be the light
be the compassion

simply be
in peace
in stillness
in silence
in solitude

am i ee
Written by
am i ee
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