There’s a famous town that does not exist It’s in new York state in the Catskills. It is name Agloe. It’s a paper town. Put on the map in an insignificant place. To protect the mapmakers in 1925 from copyright infringement By unauthorized reproduction of the map. I followed a map once all the way to a place that did not exist. I travelled slowly to it Mile by mile. I loved the thought of living there. I even fell in love with it. But it turned out to be a paper heart. Filling a space where the real heart Should be it had no feelings or love It was paper just to look like a heart to outsiders like me. So after all the tiring journey to find it. I found out It never existed. Just like Agloe On the old paper map. But Agloe never broke anyone’s real heart.
Google removed Agloe from Google maps it did exist for awhile on there.