Al perderte yo a ti, tú y yo hemos perdido: yo, porque tú eras lo que yo más amaba; y tú, porque yo era el que te amaba más. Pero de nosotros dos tú pierdes más que yo: porque yo podré amar a otras como te amaba a ti, pero a ti no te amarán como te amaba yo.
-Ernesto Cardenal, Granada, Nicaragua
When I lost you, we both lost something: I, because I loved you too much And you, because it is I whom loved you the most. But between the two of us, it is you who lost the most: Because I can love anybody the way that I loved you But you will never be loved the same way that I used to.
-Ernesto Cardenal, Granada, Nicaragua
This is a rough translation of Ernesto Cardenal's poem. Please excuse my limited understanding of Spanish. It has been quite sometime since I last used it.