I love you. It's so simple to say Harder to prove And That's okay. I love you. For the kind soul you have For the limitless love behind those eyes For the way you radiate grace. I love you. I want to tank you for helping me bring my brother some peace of mind from a really bad high. I want to thank you for being by my side to help me keep my cool.
I love you. So much. I want to thank you for letting me see when you get grumpy Or angry Upset Disheartened. Being let in by you is an honor. I want to thank you for loving the beaten, broken man I was. I want to thank you for helping me stand when I'm too drunk. Or When I'm so emotionally distraught that I collapse. I love you. I am truly Truly Thankful for you. Thankful for your patience Thankful for your forgiveness Thankful that there is an us. Thank you.