Kicking pine cones , hands in pockets with my favorite scarf on .. Outfitted like a business man with something important to decide , a lawyer testing a juries intellect , like an important subversive agent with a clandestine government ... Walking the fence line , dressed to save the world someday , my flashy duds turning heads , yet their only clothes , and clothes never did make the man so they say ! Fancy leather gloves , gold cuff links , cashmere sweater with well planned schemes .. Upscale hero with a prominent address , four star restaurants , high end assets .. Caviar and red wine , penthouse vista .. Fancy cigars and first class tickets .. I'm still Cocoa Cola , cheese and crackers , homemade biscuits .. Forever overalls , laying hens and sour mash whiskey ..
Copyright January 3 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved