Hanging on the edge of the cliff Waiting Waiting to be pulled up As you hang your just about to fall You close your eyes You let go after countless screams of desperation Into starless night sky That moment you think its all over But something graps your hand Opening your eyes slowly Still not able to see as your eyes are full of tears and pure aggression Being pulled up thinking who and why Now standing you rub your eyes Thinking who ever it was saved your life The one you've given up on Looking into there eyes as your pulled toward them Being squeezed feeling like your backs going to snap You hug them back still not knowing who it is Finally pulling back only to find out it's you "Look into yourself and find happiness" It told me as it vanished from my grip You go down the cliff Not by jumping But climbing down to live life
Sorry if it's out of place and makes no sense And sorry if there we're and spelling error